Pages tagged: Conciousness

AI Truth with Alex Tsakiris

Alex Tsakiris's journey into AI began while pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Arizona and founding Mind Path Technologies, a first-wave AI company that brought knowledge engineering to Fortune 500 companies like Texas Instruments and DuPont.

From there, Alex's deep-rooted interest in technology, science, and spirituality inspired him to create the Skeptiko podcast, which has garnered millions of downloads.

In 2024 Alex wrote a book titled, Why AI? Is Smartest... Is Dangerous... Is Divine. The AI Truth Ethics podcast is a result of that book.

He loves sharing his knowledge and learning from others about the intersection of AI, truth, and consciousness.

Find the video of this conversation here:

An ethos for the future with Wendell Wallach

Wendell Wallach is a bioethicist and author focused on the ethics and governance of emerging technologies, in particular artificial intelligence, biotechnologies and neuroscience. Wendell is the Uehiro/Carnegie Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs (CCEIA) where he co-directs (with Anja Kaspersen) the AI and Equality Initiative. He is also senior advisor to The Hastings Center and a scholar at the Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics where he chaired Technology and Ethics studies for eleven years.

Wallach’s latest book, a primer on emerging technologies, is entitled "A Dangerous Master: How to keep technology from slipping beyond our control". In addition, he co-authored (with Colin Allen) "Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong" and edited the eight volume Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies published by Routledge in Winter 2017. He received the World Technology Award for Ethics in 2014 and for Journalism and Media in 2015, as well as a Fulbright Research Chair at the University of Ottawa in 2015-2016.

The World Economic Forum appointed Mr. Wallach co-chair of its Global Future Council on Technology, Values, and Policy for the 2016-2018 term, and he is presently a member of their AI Council. Wendell was the lead organizer for the 1st International Congress for the Governance of AI (ICGAI).

2022 in review with Olivia Gamblin

Olivia is an AI Ethicist who works to bring ethical analysis into tech development to create human-centric innovation. She believes there is strength in human values that, when applied to artificial intelligence, lead to robust technological solutions we can trust. Olivia holds an MSc in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, concentration in AI Ethics with special focus on probability and moral responsibility in autonomous cars, as well as a BA in Philosophy and Entrepreneurship from Baylor University.

Currently, Olivia works as the Chief Executive Officer of Ethical Intelligence where she leads a remote team of over thirty experts in the Tech Ethics field. She is also the co-founder of the Beneficial AI Society, sits on the Advisory Board of Tech Scotland Advocates and is an active contributor to the development of Ethics in AI.

AI readiness with Tim El-Sheikh

Tim El-Sheikh is a biomedical scientist, entrepreneur, and CEO and co-founder of Nebuli, the world’s first Augmented Intelligence Studio. A self-taught coder since the age of 10, he has a real passion for designing and intelligent algorithms. After a master’s degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, Tim combined his experience in design, neuroscience, and engineering to start as an entrepreneur in online multitier system architectures in the media and advertising sectors, scientific publishing, and social enterprises. From there, he founded Nebuli, an augmented Intelligence studio that focuses on building dynamic user experiences, solving complex problems and bringing positive impact into people's lives by harnessing the power of ethical AI.
Find out more about Nebuli here:

AGI Safety and Alignment with Robert Miles

Rob Miles is a science communicator focused on AI Safety and Alignment. He has a YouTube channel called Rob Miles AI, and runs The Alignment Newsletter Podcast, which presents summaries of the week's research. He also collaborates with research organisations like the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, the Future of Humanity Institute, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, to help them communicate their work.

Emotional and loving AI with Julia Mossbridge

Julia Mossbridge MA, PhD is a futurist trained in cognitive neuroscience. In addition to being the founder and research director of Mossbridge Institute, LLC, Dr. Mossbridge is a Visiting Scholar in the Psychology Department at Northwestern University, a Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Science Director at Focus@Will Labs, and an Associated Professor in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Her focus is on teaching and learning about love and time, and she pursues this focus by speaking about love and time, leading projects, conducting research, and coaching technology executives and engineers. She is currently engaged in four love-centered projects: 1) LOVING AIs, a project designed to bring unconditional love into artificial intelligence (especially artificial general intelligence), 2) a project in which she is examining whether hypnosis can be used to induce a state of unconditional love, 3) The Calling, her current book project about how love gets translated into life purpose, and 4) consciously bringing unconditional love into the lives of the tech workers and executives she coaches.



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